Body Beast by Beachbody Review

What is Body Beast?

Perfect program for enthusiast who wants a rock hard body that gets attention. Train with world-class body builder Sagi Kalev, former “Mr Israel”, and pack on up to 20 pounds of pure muscles in just 90 days!

Body Beast provides you with 12 body-bulking workouts that’ll have you grunting, cursing, and begging for mercy. And because you need to eat right to get big, it also includes Sagi’s in-depth eating plan. This is based on cutting-edge muscle growth science, so don’t expect some wimpy lettuce wedge diet. Be prepared to eat like never before, and then eat some more. Get ready to EAT LIKE A MAN. Body Beast training consists of a 90 day workout routine to train the 6 main body parts:

  1. Arms
  2. Shoulders
  3. Chest
  4. Back
  5. Legs
  6. Abs

(It also includes other Cardio and Stretching exercises)

What does Fitness Activist think of Body Beast?

How Does It Work:

The workout program is broken down into three phases.

  1. Build (3 weeks) – composed of four primary workouts: 1) Chest/Tris, 2) Legs, 3) Back/Bis, and 3) Shoulders. The workouts are all near to 40 minutes.
  2. Bulk (6 weeks) – modern approaches to weightlifting and is composed of five primary workouts: 1) Chest, 2) Legs, 3) Back, 4) Bis/Tris, and 5) Shoulders. On average, the workouts are around 35 minutes long.
  3. Beast (3 weeks) – mixes the Build and Bulk workouts with some extra cardio in order to shred and show the muscle you’ve worked so hard for.


This is a well balanced diet plan that will require for you to eat a lot of foods high in protein. Comes with some (not many) muscle building cooking recipes.

The Good:

  • Cardio routine is only 30 minutes, which is good because: It’s faster than normal cardio sessions, and you burn the fat while keeping the muscle mass
  • It’s a straightforward no BS muscle building program
  • The mixture of progressive sets, single sets, compound sets etc… help you get stronger, bigger and keep the program interesting
  • Great, simple to follow instructions on performing a variety of muscle building exercises

The Bad:

  • It’s really hard in the beginning for those who have never done weight lifting before
  • Really fast paced muscle building program. You will constantly find yourself pausing the DVD to properly adjust and keep up with the program
  • It is a 90 day commitment. But that shouldn’t be a problem if you really want to change the way your body looks

Bottom Line:

Yes, the Body Beast isn’t perfect! But there’s no muscle building program out there that is!

This program is perfect for those who want to get bigger, stronger and put on some solid muscle. If you’re ready to change your life, boost your confidence and build a great looking body, than Body Beast is what you want.

Equipment Required

How much is Body Beast?

Body Beast Base : US$89.85 + US$24.95 (Shipping/Handling)

How to order Body Beast?

Send an email to [email protected] providing both the items you’d like to purchase and your phone number. Within 24 hours, they will call you at the phone number provided, tell you the total cost including shipping and handling of the products you’d like to purchase, and answer any questions you may have. Click here for more details.

Or you can torrent it.. **you didn’t hear it from me**

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