How to get GOLD for IPPT or NAPFA?

Tips and training advice given by fitness coaches on how to improve on your IPPT or NAPFA scores. Say goodbye to remedial training and hello to monetary rewards! Don’t miss this golden opportunity.

[pix_tabs active=”1″][ul][pix_tab title=”PULL-UPS”][pix_tab title=”STANDING BROAD JUMP”][pix_tab title=”SIT-UPS”][pix_tab title=”SHUTTLE RUN”][pix_tab title=”2.4 KM RUN”][pix_tab title=”SIT & REACH”][/ul]

[pix_tab_content title=”PULL-UPS”]

What is pull-ups / inclined pull-ups?

  • Maximum number of Pull-Ups in 30 seconds (for males 15 years and above)
  • Maximum number of Inclined Pull-Ups in 30 seconds (for males below 15 years and all females)
  • Measure of upper limb muscular strength and endurance

How to do pull-ups?

  1. Hang from the bar with an overhand grasp (palm forward or backward or either ways) with hands about shoulder width apart, elbows straight and feet clear off ground. This is the starting position
  2. Pull up till chin reaches the bar and return to starting position. One pull-up is counted when, and only when, the chin reaches over the bar
  3. Repeat, doing as many pull-ups as possible within 30 seconds or when no more complete pull-up is possible, whichever comes first. This is the performance score
  4. No kicking or swinging of body is allowed while attempting the pull-up
  5. Rest between pull-ups is permitted

How to do inclined pull-ups?

  1. Lie supine (face up) under the horizontal bar with the chin rod directly over eyes. (The outstretched hands should be about 5 cm beyond reach of the horizontal bar.)
  2. Hang from the bar with an overhand grasp (palms forward), hands shoulder width apart and elbow straight (the whole body to be kept straight) with heels resting on the floor. This is the starting position
  3. Pull up until the chin over the chin rod (touching it), keeping the body straight at all times. This is one pull-up. Return to the starting position. The pull-up will not count if the chin fails to touch the bar or when any part of the body (other than the heels) touches the floor
  4. Repeat, doing as many pull-ups as possible in 30 seconds OR until no more complete pull-up is possible, whichever comes first. This is the performance score
  5. Rest between pull-ups is permitted


[pix_tab_content title=”STANDING BROAD JUMP”]

What is standing broad jump?

  • Better of two consecutive Standing Broad Jump distances
  • Measure of muscular power of lower body

How to do standing broad jump?

  1. Stand with feet about shoulder width apart and toes just behind the take-offline
  2. Prepare to jump forward by swinging the arms back and forth and rhythmically bending the knees to about 90 degree
  3. Jump as far forward as possible,takingoffwithbothfeetandlandingwithbothfeet. (Attempt is not counted if subject loses balance and falls backwards, touching the area behind feet with any part of his/her body)
  4. The distance, to the nearest centimetre, between the take-off line and heel nearer to that line is the performance score
  5. The better of two valid attempts shall count


[pix_tab_content title=”SIT-UPS”]

What is sit-up?

  • Maximum number of Bend Knee Sit-Ups in 60 seconds
  • Measure your anterior abdominal endurance and muscular strength

How to do sit-up?

  1. Lying face up, with knees bent at about 90 degree, feet shoulder width apart and firmly held down by partner at the ankle. This is the starting position
  2. With hands cupping the ear, curl up to simultaneously touch the knees with the respective elbows. Return to the starting position, making contact with the floor (or mat) with shoulders
  3. One sit-up is counted when, and only when, the elbows touch the knees. Repeat, doing as many sit-ups as possible within 60 seconds
  4. Rest between sit-ups is permitted


[pix_tab_content title=”SHUTTLE RUN”]

What is shuttle run?

  • Faster of two attempts to complete a 4 x 10m Shuttle Run
  • Measure of general speed, agility and coordination

How to do shuttle run?

  1. Stand with toes just behind the starting line, facing the wooden blocks
  2. On command, ready, Go! Run across to pick up one block and return to place it behind the starting line; run back to pick up the second block and run towards and across the starting line
  3. Subject need not place the second block behind the starting line, just run through the finishing line
  4. The time,to the nearest one-tenth second, is the performance score
  5. The better of two attempts shall count


[pix_tab_content title=”2.4 KM RUN”]

What is 2.4 km run?

  • Minimum time taken to complete a 2.4km Run/Walk on a firm and level surface
  • Measure of cardiorespiratory endurance (or aerobic) fitness and lower limb muscular endurance

How to do 2.4 km run?

  1. On command, run or walk on a firm and level ground for 2.4km (1.5 miles) in the shortest time possible. A stadium track is recommended
  2. The time, to the nearest 1 second, is the performance score
  3. Rest during test is permitted


[pix_tab_content title=”SIT & REACH”]

What is sit & reach?

  • Better of two consecutive Sit and Reach distances
  • Measure of forward trunk flexibility, hip flexion and hamstring muscle stretch

How to do sit & reach?

  1. Sit with the head, back, shoulders and hips against the back-rest and place both feet, shoulder width apart, against the foot-rest
  2. Stretch out both arms in front of the body with hands together, palms down, thumbs interlocked and index fingers in contact with each other, middle fingers touching the tip of the sliding rule (zero point) and maintaining body position throughout. This is the starting position
  3. In one movement, reach forward as far as possible and hold the extreme position for at least 2 seconds.
  4. The furthest distance reached, to the nearest centimetre, is the performances core
  5. The better of two attempts shall count


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