The Door Anchor is 15 inches long and is made out of multi-woven nylon webbing, soft foam, neoprene and a nylon core. It will NOT harm your door and is designed to stay secure!
Securing the resistance band to the door with the anchor is easy:
[pix_tabs active=”1″][ul][pix_tab title=”Step 1″][pix_tab title=”Step 2″][pix_tab title=”Step 3″][pix_tab title=”Step 4″][pix_tab title=”Step 5″][pix_tab title=”Step 6″][/ul]
[pix_tab_content title=”Step 1″]Take the door anchor.
[/pix_tab_content][pix_tab_content title=”Step 2″]Open the door.
[/pix_tab_content][pix_tab_content title=”Step 3″]Go behind the door and thread the loop of the anchor through the opening on the hinge side.
[/pix_tab_content][pix_tab_content title=”Step 4″]Open the loop of the door anchor.
[/pix_tab_content][pix_tab_content title=”Step 5″]Thread your elastic(s) through the loop of the door anchor.
[/pix_tab_content][pix_tab_content title=”Step 6″]Enjoy your workout!